A cookbook-themed zine centered around
the main cast of Scum Villain's Self Saving System.

Status: Project Concluded

Zine PDF (free to view/download)

meet the mods

Mod Kim

Mod Yaba

Mod Catty

  • ROLE: graphics, art

  • BIO: Catty is an artist with experience in graphic design for zine and exchange events. She loves Shen Yuan and her favorite food is pad thai!

  • EXPERIENCE: head mod & graphics for TGCF Solstice Zine

Mod Gumi

SCHEDULE (2021-2022)

May 15 - June 5Interest Check ✔️
June 15 - July 20Contributor Apps ✔️
July 25Results Sent ✔️
July 31Acceptance Deadline ✔️
August 14 - 16Concept Check ✔️
September 10 - 12First Check-In (25-40%) ✔️
October 8 - 10Second Check-In (50-75%) ✔️
November 12 - 14Third Check-In (75%+) ✔️
December 3 - 5Final Submissions ✔️
December*Preorder Prep ✔️
February 10Preorders ✔️
February ~ JuneProduction ✔️
June - JulyShipping ✔️
August 1Leftover Sale ✔️
October 1Project Conclusion, PDF Release ✔️


General guidelines

  • All submitted pieces must be SFW. Applications containing NSFW will be disregarded.

  • All samples and submitted links must be accessible to the mods. If you submit a Google Drive file for your application, please make sure it is public.

  • For artists, merch artists, and writers: At least 1 SVSSS piece must be included in your application.

  • All applications will be judged blind.


  • Submit 3 individual pieces that best represent your art style. At least 2 pieces must be fully rendered with backgrounds. Please do not submit sketches.

  • Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and understanding of perspective, anatomy, and color theory.

merch artists

  • Submit 3 individual pieces that best represent your art style. At least 2 pieces must be merchandise you have designed in the past.

  • Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and intuition for creating unique & eye-catching designs that are well-suited for making merchandise.


  • Submit 3 individual samples that best showcase your writing style.

  • The maximum word count per sample is 2,000 words, for an overall maximum of 6,000 words.

  • Your application will be judged based on your overall ability and style. Key points of focus will include: characterization, flow, plot, grammar, and mechanics.


  • Submit 2-3 original recipes. At least 1 of the recipes must be accompanied with a picture of the end result.

  • The recipes must indicate serving sizes and include both imperial and metric measurements.

  • Your application will be judged based on your overall ability to create recipes that are clear, concise, and tasty.


What is a zine?
A zine (short for fanzine) is an unofficial publication produced by fans. Usually, zines feature work from artists and writers, and may be accompanied with fanmade merchandise as well.
What are the zine specifications?
- physical, perfect-bound, 8.5" x 8.5"
- rating: SFW, PG-13
- physical merchandise
- P4P (pay for production, no profit)
What is the theme for this zine?
This zine is centered around food and the main characters of SVSSS! Foods will be based on Chinese cuisine, but given the nature of SVSSS, there is plenty of room for creativity and the possibilities are endless!
Will this project be for-profit?
This project will be entirely Pay for Production (P4P), in accordance with MXTX's wishes and JJWXC's policies. Consumers will be paying the base unit price for production, shipping/packing supplies, and shipping cost. The cost for funding contributor bundles will also be included into the final buying price.
Will there be a digital release of the zine?
Upon completion of the project, the zine PDF will be posted for public viewing!
What are the contributor expectations?
- Page artists: 1 illustration (square)
- Merch artists: 1-2 merch designs
- Writers: 1.5k ~ 3k word fic
- Chefs: 2-3 recipes
Can I apply for more than one position?
You are free to apply to any position(s), but note that you will only be accepted for one.
How many contributors will you be accepting?
We will be looking for 15 page artists, 5 merch artists, 5 writers, and 8-10 chefs for this zine.
Are ships allowed in this zine?
All platonic relationships are welcome, but the two canon romantic relationships are the focus in this zine: BingQiu and MoShang. Side ships are allowed as long as they are only implied and not the main focus of the piece.
Who are the mods for this zine?
The mods for this zine are Kim, Yaba, Catty, and Gumi. Feel free to learn more about the mods here.
Have more questions?
Feel free to drop any more questions in our email, DMs, or Tumblr Ask Box!
